Artist Resources
OAC Exhibitions Assistance Grant
The Art Gallery of Guelph (AGG) is a third-party recommender organization that participates annually in the Ontario Arts Council: Exhibition Assistance Program, which provides grants of $500 to $2,000 to assist individual artists with costs related to presenting their work in an exhibition. Through the AGG, this program supports artists in Guelph and the surrounding region (Zone 2, as defined by the OAC) who are practicing in a variety of media. The AGG prioritizes artists from the Guelph region working in any media who are addressing issues and ideas with social and public relevance, have a research-based art practice that is community-focused, and represent Indigenous or historically under-represented communities. The AGG accepts and assesses applications on an ongoing basis until funds are spent. Please note the following recent changes to the Exhibition Assistance Program:
- Applications are now submitted through Nova, the OAC’s online granting system;
- The maximum amount has been increased to $2,000;
- Applicants may submit up to three Exhibition Assistance applications at a time;
- Recommenders no longer notify applicants. All applicants are notified by OAC through their Nova account.
The AGG accepts and assesses applications on an ongoing basis until funds are spent. The gallery will continue to accept applications between February and May.
Proposals for Exhibitions at the AGG
At this time, the AGG is not accepting unsolicited exhibition proposals.

The OAC Exhibitions Assistance Grant is presented by the Ontario Arts Council.