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An artwork created from pencil is separated into small diamond segments. The segments depict a lion sitting on top of a rocky mountain.

Paul MacIntyre: A Sense of Order

Working primarily in drawing and collage, Paul MacIntyre (Guelph, ON) investigates the ideological implications of labour and the perpetuity of the hand in art making in his solo exhibition A Sense of Order. Using historical precedence as a filter for scrutinizing the contemporary, he culls images, motifs, and practices from the past and re-frames them as his own. Lately, he has been preoccupied with the psychology of “filling-in” as a conceptual starting point. Meditating on the modern phenomena of the pictorial grid in Western art, he is interested in the simultaneity of filling and emptying, of the infinitely repeating pattern, and of the physically defined boundaries of mark and ground. By deconstructing reproductions of Albrecht Dürer’s Apocalypse woodcuts and re-contextualizing the fragments, his practice takes on a precarious lineage of anxiety and hermetic idealism in art, appealing for a contemporary voice for lingering ideological sensibilities.

MacIntyre received his BFA with distinction from the University of Victoria in 2012 and has recently completed the final semester of his MFA at the University of Guelph.

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