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Two small wooden chairs sit on a green floor, both of them inside a glass box


The AGG has an ambitious annual publishing program, producing high-quality exhibition catalogues and brochures, as well as electronic and print-on-demand publishing.

Location 358 Gordon Street Guelph, ON N1G 1Y1

The Art Gallery of Guelph (AGG) has achieved a national reputation for the exceptional quality of its exhibitions, which explore regional, national, and international visual arts, supported by contemporary and historical research, exhibition catalogues, and publications on the collection. The AGG has an ambitious annual publishing program, producing high-quality exhibition catalogues and brochures, as well as electronic and print-on-demand publishing.

The AGG’s latest publication, Furniture, features the work of Toronto-based artist Gord Peteran with texts by artists, curators, and collectors including Glenn Adamson, William Anderson, Matthew Brower, Ian Carr-Harris, David Dorenbaum, Charles Hummel, Ernie Kerr, Judith Nasby, Michael Prokopow, and Ron Shuebrook. The publication is available at the Art Gallery of Guelph for $29.95 (plus HST). To order a copy, please complete and submit the Publication Order Form to A $15 shipping fee will be applied to domestic orders (Canada Post – Regular Parcel). For more information on international shipping options, please contact


Jill Carter,Chocolate Woman Visions an Organic Dramaturgy: Blocking-Notation for the Indigenous Soul (originally published at 2008)

Susan Jane Douglas, Gustavo Romano: La tarde de un escritor (The Afternoon of a Writer) (originally published at 2003)

Judith Nasby, Historical Views of Guelph (originally published at 2002)

Judith Nasby, Inuit Art 1950-2000 (originally published at 2002)

Judith Nasby, Negotiation and Transformation: Curating the Macdonald Stewart Art Centre Sculpture Park (originally published at 1997)

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