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a long horizontal piece of white fabric embroidered with a floral motif below the words "Remember Who You Might Be"

Workshops with artist JD Pluecker

Join us for a full day of programs, conversation, and exploration with artist, writer, and translator, JD Pluecker.
11:00am - 4:00pm
Location 11 - 1:30 pm | AGG, 358 Gordon St. 2 - 4 pm | PS Guelph, 6 Dublin St.
Price In person | Programs are free, lunch is $5 or PWYC

Join us for a day of programs, conversation, and experimentation with artist, writer, and translator, JD Pluecker, in concert with their exhibition on view at the Art Gallery of Guelph, The Unsettlements: Moms. Take part in the full complement of programs or join for individual parts that interest you most. Starting the day, Pluecker offers a conversational and participatory walkthrough of the exhibition, inviting participants to contribute stories and experiences in response to the ideas they explore in the exhibition. Participants are also invited to continue the conversation during a community lunch.

The writing workshop with Pluecker will delve into beginning a practice of writing out of not knowing, into the space of not knowing. Out of intimacy and kinship can arrive connection and knowing, but also a deep mystery and a deep sense of loss or lack. What happens after we generate a mad desire to dive in? When verve arrives, how do we hold it or channel it? How do we maintain that fire and follow it into the weeds? How do we get lost in the weeds and then emerge transformed after the traversing? No previous writing experience required; all materials necessary will be provided.

Registration for each component of the program is required as space is limited. Lunch is provided for $5 or a pay-what-you-can contribution upon registration. The exhibition walkthrough and community lunch will be held at the Art Gallery of Guelph, 358 Gordon St. (at College Ave). The writing workshop will take place at PS Guelph, 6 Dublin St. (at Waterloo Ave). Participants are responsible for their own transportation between venues.

Image credit: JD Pluecker, The Unsettlements: Moms (detail), 2022, embroidered re-used cloth, 44.5 x 113 cm. Photo credit: Madelynn Mesa. Courtesy of Texas State Galleries.

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