New Art Now: Recent Acquisitions Part II
Like so many other cultural organizations throughout the world, the Art Gallery of Guelph has had to temporarily suspend its regular artistic programming. At a time when we cannot open our doors to you, we are still committed to ensuring that you are able to continue to engage with our exhibitions and collections.
To that end, we present New Art Now: Recent Acquisitions, Part II– the second iteration of an online exhibition featuring works that the AGG has acquired over the past five years. The pieces shown here span a variety of media that include painting, printmaking, sculpture, and photography. As most institutions only display close to 10 percent of the works within their collections, New Art Now: Recent Acquisitions offers a glimpse of some of the recent contemporary works acquired by the gallery, insight into the scope of the AGG’s collecting activities, as well as a sense of the compelling work that is being produced by Canadian artists. We hope that you enjoy your viewing experience.
Image detail: Mark Igloliorte, A Kayak Design on A Skateboard on A Drafting Table, Another Version, 2017, graphite and crayon on Mylar, 50.8 × 106.7 cm. Purchase, 2019, Art Gallery of Guelph Collection
Meagan Musseau
Katherine Boyer
April Hickox
Catherine Widgery
Mark Gomes
Davidee Akpalialuk
Shary Boyle
Patrick Cruz
Mark Igloliorte
Pearl Van Geest
Eileen MacArthur