2016 MPfYCC Call for Submissions
The Art Gallery of Guelph announces the Call for Submissions for the fourth annual Middlebrook Prize for Young Canadian Curators.
The Middlebrook Prize invites curators under the age of 30 to submit an innovative proposal for an exhibition at the Art Gallery of Guelph (to take place from SEP 15 to DEC 18, 2016). Applicants are encouraged to reflect upon the ways in which creative thinking may animate and engage a community, instilling a shared sense of purpose and connectedness.
By supporting and mobilizing Canadian creative talent, the Middlebrook Prize aims to inspire positive social change through creativity and connectedness in a time of unprecedented economic, environmental, social, and cultural challenges.
The winning curator will receive an honorarium of $5,000.
2016 Jurors
Alison Cooley, 2nd Middlebrook Prize Recipient (with Natasha Chaykowski)
Melissa Bennett, Curator of Contemporary Art, Art Gallery of Hamilton
Robert Enright, Research Professor in Art Theory and Criticism, University of Guelph and Senior Contributing Editor, Border Crossings
Dawn Owen, Acting Director/Curator of Contemporary Art, Art Gallery of Guelph (Jury Committee Chair)
Applications must include:
- Letter of Introduction: applicants should share their perspective on the health and vitality of art in Canada and what the Prize means to them as a career-building opportunity
- 1 page exhibition proposal (including contact information, curatorial statement, list of artists, and description of outreach programming)
- Exhibition budget not exceeding $10,000 and including: artist fees (per CARCC 2016 fee schedule for Category II institutions), shipping via an accredited art transportation company, any special equipment requirements for the exhibition, a description of any unique or unusual installation requirements, projected travel/accommodation expenses for artists/curators)
- 1 example of critical writing
- V. (current, maximum 3 pages)
- 10 images with descriptions (including artist name, title, date, medium, dimensions) inclusive of the following:
- 5 images supporting exhibition proposal
- 5 images supporting past curatorial work
- Floor Plan (detailing the proposed layout of works)
- The award winner must be under 30 years of age by December 31, 2016 and is required to demonstrate proof of age on signing of the exhibition contract.
- The Prize is open to Canadian citizens, as well as non-Canadians currently living and working in Canada.
- If the Prize is awarded to a non-Canadian curator, they must be resident in Canada for the full term of the Prize (March through December 2016)
Important Dates:
Call for Submissions: March 1 – April 10, 2016
Winning Curator Announcement: May 2, 2016
Exhibition Dates: September 15 – December 18, 2016
Opening Reception: September 15, 2016
Applications are to be submitted in a single PDF document, with the subject line Middlebrook Prize, in care of: Robbyne MacKenzie, Community Engagement Coordinator rmackenzie@artgalleryofguelph.ca
For more information about the Past Prize Recipients, go to: http://middlebrookprize.ca/winners/
The Middlebrook Prize for Young Canadian Curators is funded by the Centre Wellington Community Foundation’s Middlebrook Social Innovation Fund, The Guelph Community Foundation: Musagetes Fund, and by private donations.
The Art Gallery of Guelph and its sponsors — University of Guelph, City of Guelph, and the Upper Grand District School Board — acknowledge the support of the Ontario Arts Council, Canada Council for the Arts, The Ontario Trillium Foundation, and the Department of Canadian Heritage.







