Step x Step: Walking as Remapping
Led by artists and community members, the series not only supports local knowledge, but highlights how walking can be a means of resisting how place in perceived in conventional maps—as well as the colonialism, racism, and ableism that has informed them. Each walk will focus on different aspects and areas of the city of Guelph, bringing awareness to histories and environments that may have been erased or are hidden from view. Join us for each walk in this series that collectively remaps the city’s public history with everyday experiences.
Stay tuned for upcoming walks!
Upcoming Walks:
Past Walks:
- Saturday, April 23, 2022: A Forest Walk with Don Russell and Lisa Hirmer
- Sunday, May 1: Remapping the River | Plant Walk with Christina Kingsbury and Danielle Gehl Hagel
- Tuesday, July 26: Walking as Remapping | Sketch Walk with Pearl Van Geest
- Tuesday, August 9: Walking as Remapping | Sketch Walk with Pearl Van Geest
- Sunday, August 28: Walking as Remapping | Family Edition with Addi Lemmon and Alexa Collette
- Thursday, September 29: Walking as Remapping: A Walk with(in) the Dye Plants
- Sunday, June 4, 2023: Walking as Remapping: Family Edition
- Tuesday, July 25: Remapping Guelph’s Stories | A Golden/Gone Guelph Walk with Jenny Mitchell
- Sunday, August 13: Walking as Remapping: Family Edition | Bridges, Rivers, Ruins, and Rocks!
- Wednesday, August 16: Remapping Guelph’s Stories | A Golden/Gone Guelph Walk with Jenny Mitchell
- Monday, May 13, 2024: Spring Chorus River Walk with Annie Dunning
- Saturday, June 22: Night Walk in the Moth Garden
- Wednesday, August 7: Marking Time: Tour of the Guelph Correctional Centre Grounds
- Thursday, September 19: Marking Time: Tour of the Old Stone Quarry Site at the Guelph Correctional Centre

This project is organized and presented by the Art Gallery of Guelph with the support of the Ontario Arts Council and Canada Council for the Arts.
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Oct 5.2024 / May 4.2025






